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There are thousands of books available that claim to teach you how to manifest your dream life and wildest desires, I should know, I’ve read many of them.
I have been practicing manifestation techniques for the last 15 years with various degrees of success and it wasn’t until I set up the daily rituals outlined in this book that I began to truly see results.
You see, the thing that none of the other books tell you is it doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to stand on your head and pray to the moon at 3am on the 3rd Sunday after a thunderstorm, although if you want to then feel free, but all you really need to do is practice gratitude, kindness, and self-love.
Once I had figured this out, I found that at times I struggled with holding myself accountable and sticking to my practice. It was the same every time, I’d buy a diary, I’d start filling it in, life would get really busy, I’d miss a couple of days and then I’d stop because I’d feel disheartened as I’d have to leave a few pages blank or I’d stress myself out trying to retroactively add things to those pages and it would become a chore, so I’d just stop. My manifestations would stop too and then I’d buy a new diary and the cycle would start again.
I searched for the longest time to find a book that would fulfil my needs, something more than just a notebook, that felt special for me to practice my daily rituals but also didn’t shame me if I missed a day because life got in the way. Sometimes, it’s a physical impossibility to practice self-care because things happen and it’s more fun to live life instead of journalling. To my mind, that’s okay.
This book is something I created for myself originally, but I decided to share it with you all as I am sure there are many others, just like me, who don’t want to be shamed by an unfilled diary because they chose to live rather than write on a certain day. That’s not to say writing isn’t living of course, it absolutely is, but this book is here to say that if you missed a day because you prioritised something else that you felt more important, it’s fine, just carry on when you’re ready.
Of course, with any manifestation practice a little consistency is key. You can’t fill in one page and expect instant miracles but my hope with this book is that the more relaxed approach to manifesting will take the pressure off you and enable you to see results much faster than you previously have.
I also hope that through the daily gratitude, kindness and self-love practices you will see the true beauty in the life you’re already living and bring more positivity into your life and the wider world too because, let’s face it, there definitely needs to be more positivity, kindness and love out there.
As a thank you from me and to set you up on your random act of kindness mission, for the sale of each book I will be donating to the National Trust to have a tree planted and give back to this beautiful planet we all share.


Mirartcles Book

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